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Video Introduction: Please watch
We acknowledge that becoming a parent encompasses a mix of excitement and overwhelm. Therefore, we commit to offering you essential tips and information, aiming to guide you smoothly through this remarkable journey.
As a new mother, you will undoubtedly face numerous questions and concerns about caring for your newborn. Initially, our course tackles a broad spectrum of topics, such as feeding, sleeping, diaper changing, and general care for your baby. Then, we delve into critical aspects of essential newborn care, ensuring warmth and promoting immediate skin-to-skin care. Early breastfeeding practices are emphasized, alongside vital routines like umbilical cord care, eye care, Vitamin K administration, and immunization schedules, to provide a comprehensive understanding and support for you and your baby’s needs..
In addition to practical information, we will also explore the emotional and psychological aspects of parenting. This includes the importance of self-care and building a support system. We will provide you with strategies for managing the challenges of caring for a newborn, as well as ways to celebrate the joys of parenthood.
We hope that this course will give you the tools and confidence you need to navigate the early weeks and months of parenting with ease. So, let’s get started!
Here is a list of the subjects this course will cover.
• Returning Home With Your New Baby
• The Umbilical Cord
• Breastfeeding
• Mastitis
• Breast Compression
• Expressing Breast Milk
Crying Babies
• Soothing My Crying Baby?
• Is my Baby Is Teething?
• Putting My Baby To Sleep?
• Using Dummies, Pacifiers
• What Is Swaddling?
Baby Hygiene
• Bathing Your Baby
• Changing a Baby’s Nappy Or Diaper?
• Baby Hygiene – Important Points To Remember
How can I tell if my newborn baby is sick?
• Is my Newborn Baby Is Sick?
• What Is Jaundice?
• Babies and Colic?
• What To Do If Your Newborn Has Diarrhoea
Extra Tips
• Exercising My Newborn?
• Vaccinations
• Vitimin K
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About Instructor

رائع جدا انا جدا مهتمة بالمواضيع المطروحة وشغوفة واتمنى اشارك معكم… ولكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير
شكرا جزيلا على تعليقاتكم الإيجابية. أنا سعيد لأنك تستمتع بالدورات