My Body is My Body

Welcome to the My Body Is My Body Musical Child Abuse Prevention Program
Helping children protect themselves while protecting their innocence through music, songs, lessons and fun activities - all for zero cost to program presenters.
The Program
Making the world a safer place for children
Welcome to the My Body Is My Body Animated Musical Program. It is one of the most successful, positive, fun-filled musical "body safety" programs available. This Free program has been animated so that the videos can be shared with children in schools, nursery schools and homes worldwide.
Our mission to empower children
What are we teaching the children?
The consequences of child abuse for the affected child and for society as a whole are substantial, and education is one of the best ways to prevent this from happening. If a child is already in an abusive situation, this program will give them the knowledge of what to do, and who to turn to, so that they can try and get some help. The earlier we can teach children about the subject of Body Safety, the better, and this proven program works for children from the age of 3, as the program has been presented to over a million children worldwide with great success.
Increasing Child Safety worldwide
What are the benefits of the program?
- Keeping children safe by preventing child abuse by dealing with this subject positively, non-threatening way.
- Children can have fun learning using the program and will remember the message through the music.
- Children will learn to recognize the signs of child abuse and open the lines of communication with adults they trust.
How to present the program

MBIMB Requirements
Who should present this program?
The beauty of the My Body Is My Body Program is that anyone can teach it. Social workers, teachers, daycare providers, parents, after-school program providers, sports club organizers and many more. It is simple, memorable, and opens communication channels about the subject of abuse, which is of the utmost importance.