The Facts from ISPCAN (Please see .pdf at bottom page for more information on ISPCAN)
Worldwide Facts about Child Abuse
These facts are from ISPCAN, which is the International Society For The Prevention Of Child Abuse And Neglect. Evidence is mounting that child maltreatment is the precursor to many of the significant social problems today:
- 90% of child sex abuse victims know their abuser *
- 95% of child abusers were themselves abused as children
- 80% of substance abusers were abused as children
- 80% of runaways cite abuse as a factor
- 95% of prostitutes were sexually abused
- 78% of the prison population were abused as children
- 50% of suicide attempts reported having been sexually abused
100% of child abuse and neglect is PREVENTABLE!
*Finkelhor, D. (2012). Characteristics of crimes against juveniles. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center.